Time To Work
Imagine being offered a deal where you would be given £1000 every single hour of the day, 24/7, but under three conditions...

Do You Accept?
Imagine being offered a deal where you would be given £1000 every single hour of the day, 24/7, under the following conditions:
You would have to spend the £1000 within the hour it was given to you.
Any amount that you did not spend within the hour would be lost forever and would not be retrievable.
The deal could end at any moment, and you would not know beforehand when it would end.
Assuming you accept the deal, how would you spend the £1000? You could not put the money in your savings account and save it for later. After each hour the money would be gone, either through your spending it or not. It would fall on your shoulders to spend it in some meaningful way, and you would be accountable for if and when you did not.
Hopefully, you would use the money for good. To improve your life and the lives of others, and to make the world a better place in some way. It would probably be wise to invest in yourself to start off; spending the money in such a way that you would close the gap between you and the best possible version of yourself. To gain surplus energy to then start helping others, and doing as much good as would be within your power. Just think, £1000 every single hour would provide fantastic opportunities to make real, impactful changes for the better.
It Is All Potential
Every single day you are given potential. You may not be given £1000 every hour, but you are given an hour. An hour to spend. It has to be spent, and you are never getting that hour back. So how do you spend your hours?
You can not save them. There is no such thing as saving time, really. Time is spent, constantly, always. What you are doing when you are saving time is simply redirecting how you are spending your time. You are changing what you are buying with the £1000.
If you discovered a 50% off special offer and consequently only paid £500 for something that usually costs £1000, then great, you would have £500 left to spend within that hour. But that £500 would only exist as potential until you actually spent it on something. Fail to spend it and it would be lost.
Similarly, if you found an amazing productivity tool or technique that saved you half an hour from a typical hour’s work, then you would have half an hour left to spend within that hour. Half an hour of extra potential. So what do you do with the potential you have in the 24 hours of each day?
You need to eat, sleep and rest, of course, those are basic human needs. After all, it would be difficult to make sound decisions on how to reach your potential every hour if you were sluggish, tired, and not able to concentrate. But also, you might have a 9-5 job to pay the bills; you need to make a living in order to, well, live. However, apart from the time spent doing all of those things, the rest of the hours in your day are negotiable, right?
Actually, I would argue that all of the hours in your day are. You might not think that it is possible to reach your potential every hour, 24/7. That you can not possibly improve your own and others' lives without being awake and present.
Yet, do you think that your favourite musician is awake every time you listen to their songs? Or your favourite YouTuber is online when you watch their videos? Do you think that the revenue of a successful business is tied directly to the CEO’s time? Absolutely not. They are making money in their sleep as people are buying their (hopefully) great products.
It Is In Your Hands
You have the ability to make something that works for you to help others, even when you are not awake or present. Something beyond yourself. Maybe even something that outlives you. What is your potential? What is your mission? Get to work on (finding) it. Remember, the deal could end at any moment.
In my case, my mission is to share my knowledge and help improve your life. Wherever you are, whenever you see my work, 24/7, even when I sleep.
I hope you found this insightful. For more productive inspiration, see Productivity.