Leeloo – Multipass Compositing Tool For Nuke
⭐ An advanced, flexible tool for compositing multiple CG render passes…

⭐ An advanced, flexible tool for compositing multiple CG render passes…
This is a Companions Exclusive Tutorial
Based on the extensive CG beauty rebuild shown in Professional CG Compositing In Nuke – using both light groups and shading components (including their sub-AOVs) – I've built a Nuke tool for multipass compositing: Leeloo.
Since Arnold is one of the most common rendering software in VFX, the tool uses Arnold's render pass structure and naming convention for the labels in the properties, which many will be familiar with.
However, the tool is flexible and can accommodate render passes with any names.
Leeloo's great for quickly and easily adjusting multiple render passes, without having to set up a complete CG beauty rebuild each time. You can also jump into the group node and do more advanced compositing on each AOV inside.
Let's take a closer look: