Nuke Matching Rack Focus In Nuke A useful technique for matching the rack focus from the plate to your CG/elements…
Advice Moving Abroad For Work Pros and cons you might not think to weigh up when considering moving abroad for work…
Nuke Making Shot Breakdowns In Nuke ⭐ How to build an automated setup for breaking down shots in Nuke…
Productivity The Joy Of Learning Stop stagnating and instead re-embark on the journey of endless discovery…
Nuke Removing Noise From CG Renders In Nuke ⭐ 17 different techniques for removing CG render noise in Nuke…
Nuke Snapping Cards To A Position Pass In Nuke A very useful technique for quickly and accurately placing Cards around in a 3D scene…
Nuke How To Make A Slapcomp In Nuke A guide for building a basic slapcomp in Nuke: How to get the fundamentals right and avoid problems later on…
Nuke Matching The Dynamic Range Of A Scan In Nuke Expand or compress the luminance values of your elements to match the dynamic range of the scan…